
Bonjour, cardiff

Cardiff, the youngest capital city in Europe, is known for its castle, art, dragons, river, Victorian arcades, parks, rugby, music, university, bay, and Brains beer. This diverse list of attractions means that whether you enjoy art, rugby, historical castles, modern architecture, classical music, or new bands in pubs, Cardiff has something for everyone.

Les meilleures choses à faire à cardiff

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Brecon Beacons National Park

Located an hour from Cardiff, Brecon Beacons National Park is a natural reserve with an area of 1,340 square kilometres. Inside the park it is possible to enjoy many outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, horse riding, bird watching and so on. The park is also perfect for stargazing, as it was recognised as an International Dark Sky Reserve in 2013.

Caerphilly Castle

The second biggest castle in Britain (after Windsor), it was built in the late 13th century to secure the area against Welsh attacks from the north. The castle is one of the greatest examples of medieval military architecture displaying an enormous array of defensive structures such as high towers, large moats and barbicans. It is located 15 minutes by train from Cardiff.


Founded in 1986 by Professor John Beetlestone and his colleagues from Cardiff University, Techniquest is a discovery and science centre with many exhibits and activities for children and science lovers. Inside you will find a science theatre, a planetarium and more than 120 different exhibits where you can test your abilities and discover more about the world of science and technology.

Bute Park

The entrance to the park is a short walk along Castle Street, to the left of the castle. The gardens have their own walled parapet that features incredibly life-like stone animals including a bear, lion, hyena, monkeys and a pelican. The park runs alongside the River Taff and has great views of the castle and its moat – it even has a miniature Stonehenge!

Les meilleures choses à faire à cardiff

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