
Hello, madrid

In the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, surrounded by mountains and natural parks, Madrid is an irresistible destination that boasts a wealth of cultural and leisure offers. It is home to renowned museums, art galleries, elegant buildings, and charming squares, as well as two world-class football teams, Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid. The capital of the Kingdom of Spain also boasts unique neighbourhoods, bustling nightlife, and scrumptious cuisine. Brimming with energy and character, Madrid is a city that is sure to captivate the hearts of many travellers.

Best things to do in madrid

Plenty of things to do and see

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Casa de Campo Park

Casa de Campo, the largest and most significant public park in Madrid, was once a Royal Forest and is now open to the public. The park boasts many attractions, including the Madrid Zoo, an amusement park, a Teleférico (cable car), and a lake. In addition, the park is a popular spot for outdoor activities such as working out and swimming during the summer. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy over 1.5 hectares of natural surroundings before returning to the vibrant city.

Prado Museum

The Prado Museum, officially known as Museo Nacional del Prado, is an internationally renowned museum that boasts an impressive collection of over 7,000 paintings (although only approximately 1,500 are currently on display). Established two hundred years ago, the museum's collections have expanded to include artworks by Spanish masters such as Velázquez and Goya, as well as pieces by renowned Flemish artists such as Peter Paul Rubens, Pieter Bruegel, and Anton Van Dyck.

National Museum of Romanticism

The neoclassical-style former palace of the Marquis of Matallana, erected in 1776, is home to a captivating assembly of 19th-century artworks, furnishings, and decorative objects that capture the essence of Madrid's cultural, political, and everyday life of that era. Its collection provides a glimpse into the lavish lifestyles of wealthy individuals during that period. The exhibition includes pieces by renowned artists such as Goya, Esquivel, Madrazo, Alenza, and the Bécquer brothers. In addition, visitors can marvel at ceramics from Sargadelos and Sèvres, exquisite jewellery crafted from ebonite, lava, and human hair, a selection of porcelain dolls, as well as several pianos and pieces of imperial and Isabelline furniture. The Magnolia Garden, styled after the French gardens of the 18th century, is one of the most enchanting parts of this exceptional museum.

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

The eclectic Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum complements the Prado and the Reina Sofia with works such as 17th-century Dutch paintings, impressionism, Russian constructivism, and pop art, amongst other styles.