Review Guidelines

Review Guidelines

When you review the place that you stayed in, you’ll be helping students everywhere. You’ve lived in this apartment for a few days, weeks or months - so you’ll know exactly what it's like. That’s exactly what a student who's looking for a place wants to know.

With great power comes great responsibility. We ask you a few things when you’re writing reviews (or replying to a review). Be honest, clear and, most of all, useful to tenants and accommodation providers alike. The latter will have the possibility of replying to reviews, so that whoever is booking can get both perspectives, and decide for themselves.

A good review/reply should:

  • Be fact-based and constructive
  • Include as many examples as possible

A good review/reply must:

  • Comply with the law
  • Be related to your experience at the property

A good review/reply must not:

  • Be threatening, offensive, insulting, vulgar or obscene (in a nutshell, be polite)
  • Include advertisement or references to other websites or brands
  • Disclose personal or sensitive information

Along with your review, we will display the following information: your first name, age range and purpose of stay. These things provide very useful information to other students.

Just remember: when writing a review, or replying to one, you are automatically granting us the right to use and publish. You also understand that Uniplaces has the right to edit or even not publish that review/reply, if it doesn't comply with the guidelines above. Thank you!