IE Business School

IE Business School

Student Accommodation close to IE Business School

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Student Accommodation close to IE Business School

Uniplaces has selected the best rooms in Madrid for the IE Students who will come to Madrid in September.

Use  the promocode IESG2018  an get  50%  discount on the service fee. The famous IE Business School of Madrid has two campuses: one in central Madrid and one in Segovia, north of Madrid. IE also has a virtual campus, a novelty not many universities around the world can boast about. The Madrid campus is on the María de Molina street, in the neighbourhood of La Castellana, which belongs to the Salamanca district. This is one of the most important commercial areas of Madrid, where a large number of luxury shops are concentrated.

The IE campus in Madrid is very well connected by underground to many areas around the city. The two stops closest to campus are Gregorio Marañón (Lines 7 and 10) and Intercambiador de Avenida de América (Lines 4, 6, 7 and 9). There is also a bus stop right outside the campus entrance, which you can travel to on the number 12 bus coming from either Plaza de Cristo Rey or the Paseo Marqués de Zafra.

If you are looking for the ideal accommodation during your studies at IE, don't miss out on our recommendations with the best neighbourhoods to live in Madrid and check out how you can get to campus:


Salamanca is one of the most exclusive areas of Madrid and is full of luxury shops and beautiful residential buildings. The commute to IE takes about 17 minutes: 8 minutes on the number 19 bus from Velázquez street and the rest by foot.


The route to IE from the Prosperidad neighbourhood couldn’t be more convenient: 15 minutes on the number 9 bus from López de Hoyos street.


Chamberí is one of the most traditional districts of Madrid. The journey to IE Business School takes around 30 minutes: 18 minutes on the number 16 bus from Fernández de los Ríos street and then another 15 minutes on foot. If you stay in the northern part of Chamberí, the best option is to take the metro line 7 from Islas Filipinas to Gregorio Marañón (4 minutes) and then walk 10 minutes.

Within Chamberí, two of the best connected neighbourhoods are Trafalgar and Vallehermoso.

In Trafalgar don´t forget to visit the historical Olavide square, a hot spot for tapas. To get to IE, you can take the number 61 bus from Gonzalo-Cardenal Cisneros to Paseo de la Castellana and then walk the rest on foot.

The Vallehermoso neighbourhood has excellent sports facilities, as well as the Santander Park, Chamberí’s main park. The journey to IE takes only 14 minutes: 5 on the tube from Islas Filipinas to Gregorio Marañón and the rest on foot.

Other neighbourhoods that you should consider if you’re studying at IE are Almagro and Guindalera. From those areas, you can even walk to the university.

About IE Business School

About IE Business School

IE Business School is a private university founded in 1973. IE’s education is focused on Business Management studies with an innovative approach and an international environment. It is among the best Business Schools in Europe and its Executive MBA was considered by The Economist to be the best in the world in 2015.

À propos de la ville

Vivre à Madrid est une aventure formidable. Madrid est le lieu idéal pour déguster le meilleur de la gastronomie espagnole et découvrir pleins d'autres coutumes locales. Ici, on a toujours quelque chose à faire, Madrid étant l'une des villes les plus animées d'Europe.

Elle possède l'un des musées les plus célèbres au monde, le Museo del Prado. Il y a également beaucoup d'autres sites et musées fabuleux à visiter. Et si vous voulez faire la fête, vous aurez l'embarras du choix! On ne peut pas étudier à Madrid sans goûter aux tapas qui la rendent célèbre. Rendez vous à Malasaña ou à la Latina, deux quartiers particulièrement animés les soirs et les weekend.

Réservez votre logement à Madrid avant d'arriver! Uniplaces est là pour vous aider!