The best deal in town.

The best deal in town.

The cheapest rooms in Barcelona

1 chambres pour vous

Exclusivité Uniplaces
Chambre simple dans un appartement de 3 chambres results.offer.neighbourhood
Jusqu'à 1 personne • 3 chambres

Chambre simple dans un appartement de 3 chambres results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 May 2024

500 € /month
Montrez-moi plus de chambres

Do you want to get the best deal in town?

At Uniplaces, we've selected the best rooms under 520 euros to enjoy your stay in Barcelona at a decent price.

You like it, you book it, you get it! These rooms are exclusives for Uniplaces and therefore you won't have to wait the landlord to answer, we do it :)



Enjoy your stay in Barcelona