Los barrios más populares de Madrid

Los barrios más populares de Madrid

Habitaciones, pisos y residencias para estudiantes

814 rooms for you

Graceful single bedroom in busy Arapiles results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Graceful single bedroom in busy Arapiles results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€525 /month
Welcoming double bedroom near Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Welcoming double bedroom near Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€580 /month
Very cool double bedroom near the Facultad de Comercio y Turismo results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Very cool double bedroom near the Facultad de Comercio y Turismo results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€580 /month
Suitable single bedroom in an 8-bedroom flat, near the heart of Madrid results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Suitable single bedroom in an 8-bedroom flat, near the heart of Madrid results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€470 /month
Double bedroom with no window in the Opera neighbourhood results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 11 bedrooms

Double bedroom with no window in the Opera neighbourhood results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€450 /month
Double bedroom with no window near vibrant San Miguel Market results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Double bedroom with no window near vibrant San Miguel Market results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€480 /month
Charming single bedroom close to Lavapiés metro results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Charming single bedroom close to Lavapiés metro results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€500 /month
Cool single bedroom, near the EEN - Madrid, Escuela Europea de Negocios Masters y MBA results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 8 bedrooms

Cool single bedroom, near the EEN - Madrid, Escuela Europea de Negocios Masters y MBA results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€550 /month
Bright single bedroom in cool Atocha results.offer.neighbourhood
Up to 1 person • 9 bedrooms

Bright single bedroom in cool Atocha results.offer.neighbourhood

From 27 Jul 2024

€500 /month
Show me more rooms

Los barrios de Madrid para vivir si eres estudiante

Madrid cuenta con 21 distritos y 128 barrios, así que a la hora de elegir tu piso o habitación, es importante que conozcas bien qué tiene que ofrecer cada barrio.

Porque cada estudiante es un mundo, Madrid ofrece un montón de opciones: el estiloso barrio de Salamanca, la alternativa Malasaña, vivir cerca de uno de los mayores parques (Retiro)... A continuación puedes ver algunos de los barrios más populares y su situación con respecto a las universidades más populares de la ciudad.

Vivir en Sol

Vivir en Malasaña

Vivir en Lavapiés

Vivir en Los Austrias

Vivir en La Latina

Vivir en Tetuán

Vivir en Argüelles

Vivir en Chueca

Vivir en Chamartín

Vivir en El Retiro

Vivir en Letras

Vivir en Arapiles

Vivir en Lista

Vivir en Gaztambique

Vivir en Moncloa - Aravaca

Vivir en Hortaleza

Vivir en el Barrio de Salamanca

Vivir cerca de la Ciudad Universitaria

Vivir en Trafalgar



About the city

Living in Madrid is an incredible experience. Madrid is the best place in the country to savour all that Spanish cuisine has to offer, as well so many other local traditions. Here, you will always have something new to do, as Madrid is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities.

Madrid is home to one of the world’s most famous museums – the Museo del Prado. However, there are plenty more landmarks and museums to see. Whenever you want to party, the city will be ready for it! Studying in Madrid can’t be done without experiencing the tapas the city is known for. Head over to Malasaña or the party barrios near La Latina to experience just how the Madrileño students enjoy their tapas and cañas.

Book your accommodation in Madrid before moving to the city! Uniplaces is here to help!